Sunday, March 29, 2015

Picture Frame

Hello! This weekend my sorority had their annual Mom's Day. It was a really fun day where all the girls got to bring their moms and spend the day together. There was food, games, and the best part of it all, a craft! Everyone got to have a picture frame and decorate it however they wanted. I'll show you below how I decorated mine!

  • Picture frame (I think it was a 5x7 frame but I'm not entirely sure)
  • Foam stickers
  • Traceable letters
  • Glue
  • Colored paper
I didn't really feel like it was necessary to add steps for this project because you can design the frame however you want. Some people decorated the outside of the frame to put a picture in it later, but I just designed a piece of paper to stick in the frame. I used foam stickers in the corners and traced letters and cut them out to spell Prim Roses. It's pretty simple, but I think it's cute. It was also super cheap because there was enough supplies for every girl and her mom to make one. It made for a fun and easy craft to make with my mom that day.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Puppy Chow

Hello! So this weekend's project is actually something I made at home while I was on Spring break. I was able to bring some back with me and my roommate and I devoured all of it within a couple days. It was so good and I'll probably make another batch here soon because it was such a hit. Look below on how to make a batch of Puppy Chow!

  • Large bowl
  • Quart size sauce pan
  • Gallon sized resealable plastic bags
  • Spatula
  • 9 cups of Chex cereal
  • 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup butter or margarine
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 1/2 cup powdered sugar

  1. Measure out the cereal into the large bowl and set it aside.
  2. Next, put the chocolate chips, butter, and peanut butter into the sauce pan and put it on low heat. Stir constantly until everything is completely melted. (Note: If you don't want it to taste too peanut buttery, you can use less than the recommend amount.)
  3. Once it's melted, pour in the vanilla and stir.
  4. Then immediately pour the mixture over the Chex cereal and use the spatula to stir the cereal until it's all evenly coated.
  5. Next, pour some of the cereal into the plastic bag. Don't pour all of it because then when the powdered sugar is put in with it, it won't evenly distribute it on the cereal. After the cereal is in the bag, add the powdered sugar and shake the bag until all the cereal is coated.
  6. Pour the cereal onto wax paper to cool and finish coating the rest of the cereal.
Ta-da! This is the finished project. You can see that I learned the hard way about having too much cereal and not enough room or powdered sugar for it to be evenly coated. The top batch that is white is how it should look in the end. But, all of it tasted great so I'd say it was a success. This makes for a great snack that you can take with you and the recipe makes a ton of it so you can share with friends and family! I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Mini Churro Bites

Welcome back from spring break! I hope you all had a great one! I spent most of my time cuddling with my dogs and binge watching shows on MTV, so I'd say it was pretty successful. I also spent some time cooking which brings me to this week's Pinterest project. Mini Churro Bites! These were super easy to make and even kind of fun! I tried getting my sister to help me make them, but she refused. She sure enjoyed eating the finished project though. Look below on how to make these awesome little churro bites!

  • 1 Sara Lee Angel Food Cake
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1/4 cup cinnamon
  • Vegetable oil
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 tablespoon milk
  • Medium sized bowl
  • Wax paper
  • Fork
  • Sharp knife

  1. Let your angel food cake thaw on the counter for about ten minutes. When it's a little soft, cut them into bite sized pieces. Keep the pieces on a plate and set up some wax paper to place the churros on once they're done. (Note: I'm not a baking guru and I didn't know that angel food cake and pound cake is pretty much the same thing so don't be confused if you can't find a bread marked just angel food cake. Pound cake is the same and will work just fine. Shout out to my mom for explaining this to me.)

  2. Mix the sugar and cinnamon in the medium sized bowl and set aside.
  3. Pour vegetable oil into a large saucepan and put it on low medium heat. When the oil is bubbling, place two bite sized pieces into it and fry until golden brown. I just used a fork to flip them and take them out of the oil. You can do more at a time if you're talented, but I'm not and I realized that I could only do two at a time without letting the others in the oil burn. With that being said, it took awhile to fry all of them.
  4. As soon as you take them out of the oil, toss them in the sugar and cinnamon mix and roll them around. Use the fork to take them out and place the finished ones on the wax paper.
  5. When they're all finally finished, and I think it took me at least a good half hour to do them all, you can put some icing on it. Mix the powdered sugar and milk in a little bowl and stir. You may need to add an extra splash of milk to make the liquid thinner. Then take a spoon and drizzle it all over the churro bites.
Ta-da! You're all done! These were a hit with my family and they couldn't wait for me to make them again. This recipe was really easy and the most time consuming part is frying them. If you have someone to help you I'm sure it would go a lot faster. But it was fun to make and I had a good time doing it. I hope this recipe is helpful for anyone wanting to make something sweet! 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Picture Frame

Hello! The project I chose this weekend was actually something I made for my sister this past Christmas. It was super easy to make, just a bit time consuming. It was super cute and she absolutely loved it. Look below to see how I decorated this adorable picture frame!

  • Wooden picture frame (Walmart, $2)
  • Acrylic paint (Walmart, 50 cents per bottle)
  • Paint brushes (Walmart, $3)
  • Plastic jewels (Walmart, $5) 
  • Paper plate
  • Cup of water
  • Paper towels

  1.  Get all your supplies out. Get a glass of warm water to wash the brushes off and paper towel to dry them. Use the paper plate to put the paint on. The wooden frame I found at Walmart was back in the craft section. It was only a couple bucks so you can decorate multiple ones for very cheap.

  2. I started off by painting the top half of the frame light blue. I painted the bottom half of it this really pretty teal color I found. After that, I let the frame dry for about 20 minutes.
  3. After it was finally dried, I made a pattern out of the sparkly plastic jewels to put on it. I first tried hot gluing the jewels on, but it was too hard to do that for the smaller ones and the glue over spilled onto the frame making it look messy. Instead I found that just painting the back of the jewels and pressing them onto the frame worked fine. Only a couple times they fell off and I had to stick them back on. It took about three hours to put all of the jewels on. Luckily after that, it was done.  
This was the final product. I printed out a picture of my sister and I to stick in it and it was finally done. She loved it and now it sits in her room on her shelf so she sees it every day. This project was really fun and easy to do, it just took a long time to stick all of the jewels on. This is an easy craft you can make for anyone and it's perfect for a birthday or Christmas gift!