Sunday, February 22, 2015

Frozen Yogurt Dots

Hello! This weekend instead of doing a craft, I found a super easy snack to make that is great for when you're on the go. The best part of it is that it only takes one ingredient. It's super easy, quick, and can be prepared the night before. Look below on how to make these simple frozen yogurt dots.

  • Yogurt of your choice (I did a strawberry mango Yoplait yogurt)
  • Ziploc baggies
  • Paper plate

  1. Scoop yogurt into the Ziploc baggie.
  2. Cut a small hole in the corner of the baggie.
  3. Make dots of yogurt all around paper plate.
  4. Place dots in the refrigerator for about an hour, but it can be longer. 
  5. Eat the dots!

That's all there is to it! You can place them in a baggie or cup for on the go, or place them with an ice pack in a lunch box for later. They're simple and make eating yogurt a little more fun! You can have different flavors, or just stick to one. This is super easy and cheap to make. This is a great little frozen treat to have!


  1. These look amazing! Small point of clarification--you said the refrigerator...did you mean the freezer? Just wanted to make sure I do these correctly.

    1. Yes! My mistake, put them in the freezer, not refrigerator.
