- Mug, preferably white (Walmart, $3)
- Paint markers (Walmart, a couple bucks per marker I think)
- First, get however many colors you want. I just used one color for mine. The brand of marker I got was Painters in the color violet. I bought this item awhile ago and I just had it laying around, but I got it at Walmart for a couple bucks I think. Walmart actually has quite a few colors to choose from so you can use as many as you want.
- Paint whatever design you want! I painted a cat face on mine and gave it to my roommate because she loves cats. Be careful not to smudge anything, but if you do, it can be wiped off easily and repainted. That's the nice part about them being paint markers.
- Once you're done painting, just stick it in the oven for 30 minutes at 350 degrees and you're done! You should be able to wash it and the paint shouldn't come off. Here is my final product.
This project is super easy, super cute, and affordable! It was only about $6 total. And this is perfect for any coffee or tea drinker! Happy crafting!
Cute! I thought the link roller was an extension of the mug for a minute.